Green Silk Road Initiative

One Belt, One Road, One Environment

Green Silk Road Initiative Declaration was adopted at the Civil Society Workshop «The New Silk Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Towards Responsible Social and Environmental Policies and Practices» held in Moscow (Russia), and attended by 20 NGOs from 11 countries and is open for signing/joining by organizations and individual activists.


Greening New Silk Road

One Belt, One Road, One Environment

First announced in 2013 by then Chinese President, Xi Jinping, as the “One Road, One Belt” initiative, the new Silk Road plans to resurrect the ancient Silk Road as a modern transit, trade, and economic corridor that runs from Shanghai to Berlin. The “Silk Road Economic Belt” will traverse China, Mongolia, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and Germany, complemented by a “Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road,” linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and the Indian Ocean.

We aim to build on our expertise and large network of allies to pressure government representatives and bank employees to establish strong safeguards at Silk Road financial institutions, similar to what we have achieved at Western government banks, as well as ensure that project financing for clean energy projects trumps fossil fuel investments.


of global GDP produces in Silk Road area


of known fossil fuel-based energy reserves deposits in Silk Road area


more new contracts signed China for projects in countries along Silk Road year on year

Why we have to act now

Green Silk Road Initiators speak:
Eugene Simonov, Rivers without Boundaries

The lack of both internal standards and civil society control for individual projects presents a serious threat to successful implementation of the OBOR policies and achieving its harmonious objectives.

Eugene Simonov, Rivers without Boundaries -
Eugene Shvarts (WWF Russia), chairman
Eugene Shvarts (WWF Russia), chairman
Vladimir Tchouprov (Greenpeace Russia), coordinator
Vladimir Tchouprov (Greenpeace Russia), coordinator
Eugene Simonov (Rivers without Boundaries), coordinator
Eugene Simonov (Rivers without Boundaries), coordinator
Alexander Kolotov (Plotina.Net), information coordinator
Alexander Kolotov (Plotina.Net), information coordinator